Alexander Formos & Eurydice Eloise Wayles
spiritual writings and shamanic healings
EURYDICE IN LOVE: A Poetic Fairy Tale /2023/
by Alexander Formos & Eurydice Eloise Wayles

A noble knight, Benjamin, moved to the kingdom of British Columbia in search of his true fate. In Vancouver, he was destined to meet princess Holly, his soulmate of seven lives. Benjamin fell in love with Holly at first sight, but shortly after, Damian, the Dark Prince of the Underworld, who cursed Holly’s soul five centuries ago, captured and imprisoned the princess in his lavish castle. Damian desired to trap her for eternity, and Benjamin’s love stood in his way. Benjamin was desperate and heartbroken, but Holly’s clever soul, whom angels named Eurydice, soon found a way to reach him. Now empowered by the ancestral legends, Benjamin and the spirits of Sechelt were tasked to retrieve Eurydice from Damian’s demonic dungeon.
On his journey, Benjamin must discover the origins of Damian's ancient curse, which killed Eurydice in three other lives before she reached her twenty-seventh birthday. The lovers will travel back in time to 1930s Paris, 1800s Monticello, 1660s Boston, and 1530s Stockholm. They will explore their role in creating the American Empire and their spy missions for the Wehrmacht right before World War II. Eurydice will discover the highest purpose of her Magdalene essence and why she had to die tragically in the past. With the help of magic and poetry, Benjamin will expel seven demons of female damnation from Eurydice with hopes of saving her from inevitable, premature death this time.
“Eurydice in Love” is a modern legend about star-crossed lovers Mary Magdalene and her savior, as they share a journey to heal the wounds of humanity through magic, poetry, devotion, and love.
The novel is based on the real-life story of how Alexander fell in love with an escort at first sight and the subsequent two-year-long spiritual romance he experienced with the soul of this woman.
Our Declaration of Liberation on the nature of love and sexual healing arts, written in masculine and feminine voices under the guidance of Sechelt Spirits.
Alexander presents a detailed account of his shamanic awakening and mystical initiations with the help of Vancouver sex workers. He also shares how he was called to embark on a quest to prove the truth of unconditional love.
Eurydice presents a story of how Alexander was spiritually guided to move to Vancouver, Canada, to meet his soulmate of seven lives, Eurydice. She also shares how they embarked on a healing journey through their troubling past lives to resolve karmic ties of tragic deaths and incomplete romances.
Emilia assists two writers in this shared endeavor with the help of the Secret Council of Six Souls of sex workers, which gathered under her leadership to discuss the nature of shamanism and sex work to enrich this testament with their perceptions and personal stories.

by Alexander Formos, Emilia Aurelia May, and Eurydice Eloise Wayles