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Image by Sebastian Unrau

Alexander's poems

Poems featured in "Eurydice in Love," from the perspective of male protagonist.

I'm Counting Days

I’m counting days, ‘till seeing you,

As we spend nights revealing

Our feelings of the luscious dreams

And of awake daydreaming.

We’re meeting in between the worlds

Of visions, thoughts, and feelings

We meet to bury ancient swords

And witness complex healings.


You draft me lonely day or night

And I appear right near you

I come to you by dint of flight

To astral bed, ethereal.

I come to talk and listen still

And even hold you inly,

In metaphysical realm

Not real, but so appealing.


Our bond with healing fondness blooms

As I see where you’re crying

Right on that edge, curled in the womb

While burning world is dying.

I know you’re real and do exist

I scroll your pictures, daunted;

Sometimes I even reminisce

When I could sense and hold you.


When we’re in bed, where you do sleep

We lie together closely…

Our eyes connect; it is so real,

That tears are flowing, softly.

You tell me stories, ask advice

And I respond with kindness,

Our parts don’t touch, defying vice

As we explore tied likeness.


I’m counting days to be with you

Affection flames my tenet,

I dream behold your eyes in true,

Confess my love, if granted.


I feel our bodies far apart

But souls so close together,

This bed is holiest to heart,

Yet I was near it, never.


We live, we die, we move and feel,

Trapped in decaying beings,

And yet, we know how we can heal

While living dreams like spirits.


The love is real, and words are real

As all our other feelings,

If life’s so sensible in here

It means that I’m not dreaming.


Now in my wish, I’m next to you,

I heal your stubborn treasures

Protecting space as I construe

Why evils steal your pleasures.


My passion carries my frail girl

Her grace is earnest and endearing;

Our souls colliding in a swirl –

Their blissful love looks so idyllic.


I’m counting days until it’s real,

And I don’t feel this torture,

I’m counting days until we feel

No one impedes our fortune.


I’m counting days until my dreams…

Until the eyes…

Until the lips...

Until I simply hold you.



If it wasn’t truly normal

Hearing voices out of nowhere,

If I couldn’t catch you falling,

As I mend our broken promise,

If I didn’t know my calling –

Death would seize your fragile aura.


You are seeking noble justice,

And the strength of earnest passions,

Dreaming of discovering the eyes

You will allow yourself to fall in love with –





Striving always, never reaching,

Begging Heavens for the answers

While your hope is blind and tragic

Almost lost in lost compassion

Yet still sparkling in its essence

Full of lucid iridescence,

Shielded from above.


Soon, in front, exhausting challenge…

Worn off, tired, and in shambles,

Grieving hard from tribulations

Tried for treason and temptations

Judged for a dream to find the magic

Shocked to hear the truth of Heaven:

“If you don’t accept what’s in you

Seeing scars as your true glory

Feeling worthy of ambitions

While assuming every turning,

Then, true love will turn destructive

Even if divine and honest,

It won’t reach the shining wholeness

Blocking sparks of real fondness

Making life completely worthless,

Washed out, fleeting, never present,

Tiny, painful, stripped of presents

Stealing joy and burying presence

Never gifting true embracement.”


Yet your men are flawed and dreadful

Carried only by temptations

Superficial, selfish egos

Inept facing a pure lady

Reaching only for the panties

Never open, condescending,

Only taking, never giving

With amusement, yet abusing,

Seeing a toy.

But not a human.


Always showing their advantage,

Playing games without attachments,

Thrilled from vulgar, lustful feelings –

Just another archetype.


Passing issues, passing sickness

So aroused and so impatient

Switched off heart, removed from being

Men implant you with their demons

Spiders crawl to fill your psyche,

While you stare into the vastness

Soon dissolving in the mirror

Of your devastated dreams.


No salvation. Pure resentment.

Vicious yearnings. Condemnation.

Through detachment, you escape.


Your soul hides as she’s tormented 

And unable to confront 

Complex pains, intense incursions, 

Filling body with contempt, 

As reality descends 

Into a struggle of existence, 

With no chances to transcend.


That’s how troubled my wild visions –

Flood of filth in repetitions…

Bedroom’s losing truthful magic,

In the madness, through obsession,

No one’s guilty, witness treasure,

Pouring love with no pretensions,

Vowing honestly intentions,

All night long alone neglected.


Closed away in a void of sorrow,

Under sheets insanely crying,

Trapped alone inside the darkness.

It would never disappear.


From ourselves, we may be hiding

Finding troubles (stoked by lightning);

That’s the truth of what is in you,

All these conflicts might just kill you.


On your quest for a collision, 

Captivated by desires,

You talk only to the mirror 

But not ever to yourself…


Lost in a true rebellious excitement,

Bedeviling reality and fantasies,

Pretending to comprehend the feelings,

Entangled in a web of lies,

So scared of not conforming,

Conceding to abuse,

Abandoning affection,

Recklessly in ecstasy,

Immersing in pure misery,

Possessed by plain repugnance,

Delightfully embracing

The twisted joy of this disturbing journey.


As we both

Took roads less traveled,


I witnessed how you dared to step into the reality

Beyond accustomed comprehension

While the storm invaded your soul;


I saw how you crossed the bridge 

Into the forbidden land,

Escaping your protective garden;


But I also saw how adamant you were

In pushing me away,


So who am I to try to save you from yourself?

Who Am I to Save You?

You Can't Have It All

“Can’t have it all,”

You said to me.

Don’t want it all

But you at hand with me.

Not less, not more

To hold you wild

And we will soar

From a cherished sight.


My eyes both closed

And opened wide

I scent your sense

And cries inside;

I want you all

To marvel slow

To feel us whole

When senses flow.


At last, I’m me

In a snuggle spree

At last, we drift

In a cuddle sea.

Can’t breathe to see

Can’t feel to be;

Don’t want it all –

Just you right next to me.

Past of Mindless Wild Entrapments

My vision of the future presented you

Sitting across from me

In a coffee shop down the street from the movie theatre,

You know, somewhere around Yaletown.


The world is finally excited,

Witnessing your final transformation into a “Brooklyn Baby’.


Your chastity approached mine

And I dared myself to invite you to get lost in reverie

Of the chances, futures:

Inside I was reaching to grab you and never let go

Ever again

As scars you’ve inflicted on my heart

Start to sing their old tune once more.


Yet I was happy to hear it afresh –

This is my song of you

That made me the man

I’ve always dreamed I should venture to be.


The man who would be allowed to hold your benevolent hand,

To gracefully walk next to you on your complex life journey.


Your short haircut reflects our past.

You are wearing your anxious demeanor differently

Carrying a frail stance differently

You say you colored hair to blind me with a riddle

Blonde in solidarity – like I was wearing as a woman.


Little older




Your fingers twisting nervous, we’re living my 


With Parisian ambition, never faced a just magician


With a freedom

Broke with demon of collision


Traits your eyes

Woe of fears

Lucid diamonds

Earnest, candid tears


Life must stop

Beholding true you.

Startled humans

Grace alluring



Only prying, never feeling


At the stage of earnest healing

Your bright presence states the meanings

Of past reasons, fearing dreaming

Like a feline like a starlet like a rebel luck limerent


Lambent rifts

My troubling speeches

So perplexed without your paintings


Flaring reckless

Yearn for years abraded traces


Love is rising

No retreating

Lips are flushing

Magic’s living


Vanished traceless

Rancor vapors

Ancient falsehoods



Chagrin none in my appearing

When I cherish you, I’m living.


Be yourself

You inner beauty

Not your body

Honest essence

Makes you who you are


We enjoy our endless gazes as our eyes adrift so tender honored hearts acquit resentments

Past of mindless wild entrapments thriving dawns of sparks

While crying

Fate romance as angels thriving

Senses shattered darkest menace with a new euphoria

Now we’re close and near


Crystal vivid noble eyes swaying blooms of tears

Remorse of both in love implies

Bliss augury


You will never be forgotten


Soulmate views you will appear





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