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The restoration of the shamanic traditional magic of ancient Egyptian Temples of Death Journeys. The practices are based on Alexander's past life as a sacred prostitute and oracle high priestess Astarte, who practiced the art of death and resurrection in her own Temple of Psychic Readings and Death Journeys (you can read Astarte's life story here).

In reinventing this practice for our times and creating our personal style of Death Journeys for soul healing, we combine knowledge and expertise from Astarte's life with our present understandings of a soul's evolution, personal shamanic practices, channelings from the spiritual realm, and modern integrative tools. Direct communication with souls and spirits is a key component of this practice. After 18 years of spiritual practices and three years of offering death journeys to the small inner circle of souls (around 50 completed death journeys), Alexander, with assistance from Eurydice, extends this healing offering to anyone who is struggling with inexplicable anxieties, conflicting emotions, and troubling relationship dynamics, that seem to have no solutions.

We also created special offerings tailored to female sexual healing artists and sex workers.


Many conflicting, unexplainable emotions that torment humans, like existential fear, sadness, grief, shame or guilt, repetitive destructive patterns in relationships, addictions, or any other unsettling sensations, may be a burden from your past self that your soul chose to carry. Therefore, it is impossible to resolve these anxieties on a physical level because they were created in a past life, either from trauma or tragic death. A soul simply wasn't able to correctly process one of their past lives and is now forced to live through the same lessons. It's possible to release this spiritual weight and receive a clearer understanding of life through clearing these energies created in the past or upon death. So if your soul carries some trauma and you are connecting with your soul, they would actually cause you the pain of old, unprocessed emotions. As a result, you may be living in a state where you avoid connection with your soul, only to avoid the pain of your past. It's like your soul gives you a magical, highest light of your essence but also stings you with its traumas, and that's a very uncomfortable sensation.


Any inner unsettling sensations or a sense of darkness can be healed through a death journey performed for your soul by Alexander with Eurydice's assistance. Deep cleaning of traumas of a soul, resolutions of unhealthy soul contracts, and removal of unexplainable anxieties rooted in past lives. We can also explore karmic ties and relationships - reasons, lessons, and options for moving forward from toxic partnerships or intimacy patterns that you don't like. The process involves the experience of reliving the death of a soul together with Alexander in order to understand its initiations, learn lessons, and explain to a soul the reasons behind any death.

Many soul programs worked in the past, but as the Earth is transitioning into the new energy state, these programs have lost their purpose and value. We are only removing what prevents a soul's evolution and growth. We are abandoning the karmic patterns of the old world and elevating spiritual awareness.



Most of the issues we are attempting to solve through re-entering death can be resolved with other methods of spiritual growth. Regression therapy, breathwork, meditations, kriyas, altered states of consciousness, Sadhanas, or devotional practices of self-growth indeed may also release the "demons' and traumas of your soul. You may also resolve dark energies of the past through loving, devotional relationships and serving humanity with your purpose. 

A Death Journey is another alternative spiritual healing practice. In one practice, it's possible to resolve the energies that may take a few sessions of regular regression therapy. In essence, we are working with the same energies and conflicts, only in a different method. But beyond that, in death dimensions, we are able to observe the situation from many levels at once and seek guidance from higher spiritual beings. Through Death Journey, we remove "the veil" of your soul - accumulated energies created when your past selves betrayed their hearts and truths. These energies look like dark spiritual clothes that help a soul hide its essence after traumatizing experiences. A soul can protect themselves from the world with this veil, as they can't process all the traumas they endured. They intentionally attract such energies to create a veil to avoid new pains. Such veils cloud our present judgments and don't allow us to see our highest light or follow our highest truth without any fear. Many dark but unnecessary sufferings are created upon entrance into death and can only be absolved there. Once these energies are released, a soul can receive a gift of white spiritual clothes that provide empowerment to help you see life more clearly and elevate your spiritual awareness. Suddenly, you find new, easy solutions to challenges you are experiencing in life.

Once, I asked Astarte why she loves spending time in death so much. When she started her practice, she could spend entire days living in the death dimension. She couldn't get enough of that reality. Astarte told me that there's no bullshit in death, and that's why existing in death was more natural to her than living life. I can't agree more with her, even though my life journey was much easier than hers. Less violence and physical abuse. And still, what I personally find the most appealing in my work is the absence of lies in death. I have the same reasons as Astarte why I love spending time in death. Human beings inevitably lie, cheat, manipulate, and coerce others throughout their lives. It is impossible to escape lies when we are living in such destructive and primitive societies of our present day. People don't believe in the magical essence of our world. To keep their sufferings, people continue to lie through life. The strangest part is that even if we speak the truth, people assume that we lie or have an agenda because others do. Or we stay in half-truths, which is also quite destructive. So we lean into this cycle to be accepted, feel seen, earn our living, and stay alive. We hurt each other the most when we lie, but somehow, it's impossible to escape lies in the awakened life. But in death, it is impossible to lie.


Souls lie a bit differently than humans, mostly by avoiding telling the whole truth. They withhold certain information, mislead you, or change subjects, attempting to escape accountability and honestly face their repetitive patterns of destructive behavior. Oftentimes, they hide their truth because they feel ashamed and don't understand their essence. So once we enter death, they can't do that anymore. Suddenly, everything changes, and once a soul is confronted with my questions or scenes from past lives, they have to confess their entire story to me and to guides without feeling shame and guilt. They don't like to do that, exactly like humans. We do not feel comfortable when our darkness is exposed, our brokenness is on full display, or we are vulnerable. We do not like to acknowledge our past mistakes. Yet a soul is forced to do that in the death dimension. Once they release their traumas, they can see their highest essence and find empowerment in their truth. Souls also find incredibly healing when I relive with them their past tragic death. Part of my main process is to experience in detail their traumatic death because that's the only way to fully absolve the pain of tragedy. Sharing their pain with them makes their tragic experiences less hurtful. The more details and nuances of their past death I can endure, the higher the healing they experience. Seeing that they were meant to die in a special way, they come to terms with their tragedies and see the glory of their unique story. Then we can talk through their pain, as I felt their death like they did. 





At the core of our process lies the shamanic ability to travel to the spiritual realms of our world. Like the angelic realm, where souls, angels, and spirits live, the realm of death is equally accessible to shamans. It is just another dimension of life, equally accessible as any other dimension. The underworld, hadens, or purgatory are similar dark planes of existence can be entered by medicine men and women. The other element for successful practice is my clairvoyant ability to communicate with the souls of the living and dead.

In the practice of death journey, we use the energy channel available through the force field of Yeshua's consciousness, carrying the natural magic of death at will and safe resurrection. Through the process, we may request the help of spiritual guides and ascended masters. In the death dimension, we primarily work with Osiris, Isis, and Anubis, with occasional help from Thoth, Maat, and Sekhmet. Their advice and practices assist us both in the process of the death journey and in integration.

To access the death dimension (bardo, the world of Anubis, the Halls of Amenti, and the Temple of Isis on the shores of the Death River), I use deep shamanic trance states. In the Temple space, these travels are performed through a sacred sarcophagus, which, like Temple space, is energetically charged in a specific way and attuned to particular frequencies. Our aspiration is to eventually build the Temple of Death Journeys with a real sacred sarcophagus in traditional style. Our guardian, Sechelt Spirits, support this endeavor and request this Temple as an offering to their lands for all the help, knowledge, and empowerment they provided us on our spiritual journey. Sechelt Spirits would create special protection for this Temple and assist in establishing strong channels with the death realm to help more souls receive this healing.


For now, I use a channel and location provided to me by my spiritual guides and The Hathors. My present-day sarcophagus is my bathtub, and traveling to death is only possible through it, as it is also charged in Temple traditions by my spiritual guides. Successful travel requires a channel based on time and space, so my bathroom is protected as a chamber in the Temple. Suspended in warm water (as a powerful transmitter of energies), with deprivation of senses (in complete darkness with ears underwater), I allow my body to slow down the natural activities to a bare minimum while my energy body, my soul, and the soul of a client travel to the death dimension through a channel of frequency or vibrations, created specifically for our session. With the protection of my spiritual guides, I enter death at will to provide the required healing for the highest and best of all involved. 

Eurydice arrives to assist me when I require her help.  She teaches souls how to combat their darkness or share a female perspective on their story. I primarily work with Isis, while she in sync with Osiris. Together, we are clearing negative energies accumulated in the previous deaths of a soul. Eurydice is skilled in death dimension sword fights, knows how to avoid traps of lower death planes, and locks demons in coffins. She is passionate about her craft and aims to find the best ways to apply her energies to benefit shared healing. She often assists in holding protective energies while clearing is happening and generally enjoys spending time in the death dimension as a proud soul with the light and essence of Mary Magdalene of death.

Our fairy tale, "Eurydice in Love, " describes our personal healing through death journeys. You can also read more about Eurydice's perceptions of the death dimension and our work in the following excerpt from her upcoming book, which includes a story of her own healing.


"On Death Journeys" by Eurydice Eloise Wayles.

The closest visual representation of the world of the death dimension and death planes can be found in the TV show "Stranger Things." In this series, a shaman with natural magical abilities named Eleven or El uses the same method of sensory deprivation trance and water as a conductor to journey into death or the world between worlds, where she battles demons for other souls who can't confront the dark, benevolent or demonic forces (the demonic entities representing actual evil spirits or negative energies our souls accumulate without their understanding). 

The TV series "Leftovers" also depicts death journeys in vivid detail. In this story, a shaman, Kevin, develops psychic abilities and learns how to travel into death once he endures the complex trauma of grief when 2% of humans suddenly disappear one day. Confused and scared people seek his help to release their darkness and conflicting emotions. Through the show, Kevin learns how to master the art of death journeys and heal people through this work.




The natural divine energies that allow the channel for healing through the death journey are manifested in souls that carry the ultraviolet spectrum of Yeshua's archetypical, divine light and can be described as Yeshua of Death and Osiris of Pain. They are also described and contained in the Arcanum XIII of the Tarot -  "THE NAMELESS ARCANUM." 

The interpretations of this card explain the possibilities and variations behind the practice of the death journey. This card is often translated as "death," yet its deeper, higher meaning brings spiritual clearing of the old, stagnant energies, ushering a profound transformation into a new form. It is revolution and elimination of what is not serving anymore for the highest healing of all involved.

In the context of a soul's journey, any tragic death is an initiation into a higher form to enrich a soul with new spiritual talents. It usually arrives at the transformational stage of a soul's evolution. Traumatic death, therefore, can be perceived as an opportunity for growth, spiritual advancement, and purification. It's an energy leap, a powerful force that can be harnessed to elevate awareness and alleviate pains.





If you are struggling to establish or uphold your most empowering boundaries in any kind of relationship, no matter how hard you try, it is likely that this may be caused by the traumas that a soul holds from past lives. You find yourself attracting similarly destructive or toxic people in your life for the same reasons. You may understand yourself, your needs, and your space, but despite that, in the moments of interactions with others, you give away your space and allow others to do what they want, surrendering to their needs and neglecting your own state. If a soul lost parts of themselves in traumatic events, they struggle to uphold their spiritual space and therefore can't help a person to do the same in physical life. Through clearing stagnant energy and healing the wounds of a soul, we can improve the verbal and non-verbal means of communication with others to improve professional or personal relationships.



We may often find ourselves in toxic relationships that we can't escape. We know that we should not be with a person, and we understand that we don't work as a couple, yet we seem not to be able to find the courage to break free or continue to re-enter the same relationship, hoping for a different outcome each time. This is the essence of karmic relationships. These ties were created between souls in past lives for one reason or another. Sometimes, such karmic bonds are created by soulmates to resolve their issues or elevate each other's growth. But oftentimes, we take unnecessary obligations on ourselves when tragedy happens with our loved ones. If someone dies on us and we believe we could have prevented their death, this energy forms a bonding trap for a soul.


We may stay in a relationship, believing we can save or heal our lover and that we must sacrifice ourselves only to make things work. Our souls feel guilt and responsibility for the past dramas and are now playing out the same scenario of a dreadful past. Your former self felt responsible for the death of a close one, creating a commitment for your soul. Your souls may continue to meet so they can teach each other valuable lessons, but both of you can figure out what that lesson may be. Souls may take obligations that work in one life but become destructive in another. Through the death journey, we can absolve these karmic ties but also find answers to repetitive lessons. This is how we achieve the highest healing. Once you understand what your soulmate tries to teach you, life after life, you can finally receive closure and empowerment.

Such ties, commitments, bonds, and obligations can exist between lovers, friends, or relatives. Unhealthy dynamics or repetitive intimacy patterns can also be engrained on a soul level based on the traumas of past lives. If you continue to experience troubling relationships that don't feel natural or constantly bring you pain, no matter how much you commit to them, it is likely caused by old soul contracts or curses from the past. We can release any commitments or responsibilities our souls wrongfully accumulated in our past lives.



Our souls carry energies of our former selves, and therefore, it is not our burden to hold. It may have been important to have these energies for the soul's evolution, but death journeys provide an opportunity to absolve them if they do not serve our light anymore or do not align with our highest potential. Our past selves could have experienced deep, tormenting pains, traumas, and emotions that they never processed and passed to our souls. Now, souls continue to live with the same sensations, and each time you attempt to connect to your soul, you may experience pain that does not belong to you. Usually, this manifests in deep, tormenting anxieties without rational explanations. You may even live a life with no trauma, but you would feel like you are constantly battling through something. These states are quite hard to describe in words, but any person who knows their story is aware of energies that feel foreign to them. These energies can even manifest in physical pains that medical professionals can't explain. Even working with a subconscious mind does not help resolve these sensations.

Deep existential sadness, immense grief, intense fear of the unknown, cycles of self-loathing, guilt or shame, and inability to make independent decisions can all be linked to the traumas of your former selves. Your soul continues to carry their traumas, clouding your perceptions of reality. Many of such energies were created upon traumatic death and, therefore, can only be released in the death dimension. Alexander will enter the death state, where he is able to observe the events of troubling death, explain its lessons for your soul, and find empowerment in such initiations.

There may also be situations where your past selves inviolately gave their power away or acted from the position of fear, creating entrapments and pains for your soul. A soul then leaves pieces of themselves in the traumatic scenes of death or dramas of the past and does not feel whole anymore, unintentionally creating challenges on your life's path. These energies can be resolved and transmuted in death journeys.



My personal relationship with these energies are still developing. Sometimes we receive energies of spells and curses from our closest soulmates and relatives. These energies are addressed to us with no ill intention, but they can nevertheless harm a soul and hunt them from life to life, especially if your past selves repeat these words. We often become our worst enemies when we listen to the voices of others rather than making decisions based on the truth of our hearts. Most energies created from other people's words can be transmuted and released through the death journey while understanding the deeper lessons of why your past selves may have betrayed their truth.

However, the more I explore the topic, the clearer it becomes that there are indeed curses and hexes created with ill intentions by very sinister people out of spite or revenge. Such curses can also be created through obsessive and self-destructive love when another soul wishes to own another, through complicated and conflicted love stories without any intention to bring harm.

These karmic programs would often attract us to the same souls that we are actually never intended to be with or create traps where the same negative energies would haunt a soul from one life to the next. There are also cases when evil spirits or immortal dark magicians continue to haunt us and bring fear into our lives, preventing us from living our best lives or even causing us to lose connection with our souls. All such ill connections, unhealthy bonds, and curses that a soul may have unintentionally assumed can be resolved through death journeys. If demonic entities or evil spirits haunt your soul, we can confront and expose them by exploring your past life connections and understanding the lessons they wish to teach.



In cases when both parents are healthy, enjoy their loving union, and desire children but can't conceive no matter how hard they try, we would search for natural remedies for such situations on a soul level. Each relationship is unique, and we would look at your past life conflicts or traumas regarding pregnancies and motherhood. One of the reasons may be the subconscious blockage of pregnancy because one of the partners has lost a child in their past life. It can be death during childbirth and any complications on delivery (like giving birth to a stillborn baby). Situations may vary, but we will explore all options and release these entanglements.  The release of such energies allows the magical creation of life from love to happen in a natural way without the assistance of medical professionals. 

The cases of conflicting emotions after miscarriages or abortions could indicate that the child's soul is still attached to parents through spiritual cords and can't transition to another life. In my experience, it is necessary to perform an energy-clearing ceremony after any abortion, as the spiritual cords between a mother and a child usually form before conception.

 If you can't decide whether you wish to keep a child, we can communicate with your child's soul and your guides to ask for any possible advice. It would ultimately be your decision, but we can empower you to listen to your heart and find the best solution for all involved. Sometimes, abortion is indeed the correct way to proceed, as it would bring you certain lessons, but I believe it's important to understand the spiritual component of any pregnancy. A new life is a natural miracle, so the lessons of any pregnancy bring growth to the soul. 

In general, we can look at any pregnancy in its full complexity from the position of highest growth for your and your child's souls. In case you have fears regarding the experience of birthing or motherhood, we can explore the root causes of your conflicts that may have been created in past life. We would remove any traumas of the womb space on the soul level carried from past lives and release any possible soul contracts.




I can assist in the preparation for dying and supervise the transition from physical and spiritual levels, depending on the request and challenges. I also prepare for burial, like releasing any ties and obligations with earthy life for a safe transition either for myself or for my relatives. The structure and the level of engagement are determined on a case-by-case basis, with options to include in-person work.



The unexplainable, destructive behavior of people may indicate that there could be the presence of a demon or evil spirit. In case when a person loses connection with their soul, these beings can take control. Fictional stories in cinema and books about demonic possessions are based on such cases. These beings found a way to attach to a soul in the past and then work to take control over a soul. In most cases, these entities or energies exist to assist in the soul's evolution, but their darkness needs to be transmuted and integrated. If you intuitively feel like a person is demonically possessed, it's most likely the case. We can attempt the exorcism through Death Journey, although if you wish that to be performed for someone without their consent, it may not be a challenge. If you are the guardian of a child who struggles with odd or vile behavior, it's possible to attempt the clearing with your consent. 



A soul may choose to arrive in a body with a unique birthmark, shaped in the form of the scar that led to death in a past life or similar other reasons, to remind themselves about that life. Any unusual and significant birthmark is a gift from divinity and is usually received when a soul completes an important part of their journeys or missions on Earth. Traumatic death is always an initiation into powers, so if a person is murdered, a soul is destined to receive new spiritual talents. A birthmark signifies that fact and represents the reward for a soul, a medal for following the path of the heart. A soul may not understand the significance behind a birthmark, especially if it causes shame to a body. Understanding how such a spiritual scar was received in a past life, what caused traumatic death, and what this birthmark represents in this life, may help a soul alleviate anxieties and guilt they may carry for the body.



If you are struggling to process grief and parting with your close ones, we may explore your past connections and see whether you can still learn lessons from each other. There may be words that we never said or conflicts that were not resolved. There may be patterns from past lives that you continue to carry. 

In situations where you feel responsible for the death of your beloved, partner, or friend, we may connect to their souls and ask why they chose their death in the way it happened. It's possible that you are still experiencing the same pattern from past lives, trying to understand certain lessons for your soul. But it may also be a case when the death of another becomes an initiation into your full powers, as your beloved decided to help you from the other side.

If the souls of the deceased repeatedly continue to come in your dreams, they most likely seek your guidance, and only you know their answers. We won't try to push them away or remove their energies from your space but rather draw them closer and understand why they continue to visit you. It may be as simple as the final closure before they move into the next stage of their existence, but can also be more complex than that. 

In cases where you experience haunting dreams of deceased relatives and you don't wish to see them or even talk about them, you still should ask them how we can help. It is indeed challenging to help those who harmed us, but oftentimes, it is our duty for the highest growth of our soul. Through helping them, we can absolve the traumas they have caused us and find a deeper appreciation for your connection. We may hurt our soulmates only because we are drawing attention to unreleased burdens of past lives or unlearned lessons.

If you are struggling with the loss of your child, who died in infancy or at a young age, we can attempt to communicate with their soul and ask why they chose such a destiny. Sometimes, children arrive to safeguard their parents on a soul level from the other side, to absolve the karma of parents through death, or they only start to learn how to live in human form and can't sustain a full life. There are often higher reasons for a short life, and we would look at death as a choice of a soul, trying to find  ways how to grow through this traumatic experience.



If you continue to experience dreams with lovers or friends, you wish to forget, most likely, they are trying to ask for your help or advice. They know that you know their answers, even though, on a physical level, you may not feel connected anymore. We would explore your past lives, entanglements, or conflicts and see if we can find the answers they are seeking. Most likely, you may be required to do most of the work as their assigned spiritual guide, but I can assist you in growing through this experience and finding a deeper meaning behind your connection. Our souls spiritually grow through relationships, including the most complicated and challenging ones. Our intuitive desire is to avoid toxic relationships and draining connections altogether, but oftentimes, in the unresolved issues lies the deeper growth and healing of our souls. 



Souls who are stuck in a coma, lethargic sleep, or similar states in between lives are simply confused about their future and struggle to make a certain decision. They may also be lost in between lives, wanting to return but unable to find the way back. It may also be the case that they are ready to transition but afraid to hurt their soulmates, or they are actually held in this realm by the egos of relatives who refuse to let them go. At the same time, a soul may want to return but refuse until they receive confirmation that their soulmates would change their behavior or stop mistreating them. There can be many reasons why a human being is experiencing this state, but in any case, this is not a natural state for a person, and by exploring the reasons through death journeys, soulmate connections, or past live contracts, we can empower a soul to make a right decision in the best interest of everyone involved. 

It is very important to understand that this work may not produce the desirable outcome for you because a soul in a coma would be making a final decision. After communicating with a soul in such a state, I would present their reasonings to those they wish to communicate their truth. Then a soul can choose to transition or to stay alive, and that would be only their decision. This work can only be done with this understanding in mind and with reverence for their choice. Honoring their truth is the highest expression of love we can give them. The projections of personal desires or expectations may result in deeper pains and more complicated entanglements in the future. 

This work may require an in-person visit to connect to a person in a coma and establish a deeper connection with their soul.



Each human connection is unique, and we would co-create your healing experience together, depending on your pressing issues, desires, and goals. Most of my work is performed remotely. We would connect via video calls for introductory and integrative sessions. Once the Death Journey is complete, you will receive a confirmation and a brief summary. Through one Death Journey, we explore one specific issue you wish to resolve or release any haunting energies from a traumatic life.  

Our connection would begin with a free discovery call, where we will discuss what kind of healing you are looking for, and I will present what is possible. This is a chance for you to get to know me and my process better. This is a chance for me to explore what I think may be valuable to you. We will schedule our first call via email once you fill out the form below or connect with me via e-mail or Instagram. Once we decide to proceed with the healing, I request consent to work and connect with your soul. If your soul contacts me before our call, I will inform you during the introduction and provide any information I will receive.

After connecting with your soul, I would explore the energies I'm sensing and ask what they believe may be needed for their healing. If I would sense any kind of urgency or conflicting information, I would connect with you for another brief call before proceeding with a Death Journey. The assessment can take a few days or longer. depending on how clear our communication is.


On the next step, we set the day for my travel into the death planes. I will request the possible channels for Death Journeys. Each Death Journey is a portal into the death dimension, so your soul or my spiritual guides would provide me with the best possible safe dates for a journey. You can provide me with the dates that would work for you, and we can see what's aligning. I would relate the options to you, and we would decide which would work the best for both of us.


It is recommended to clear the following day from any pressing obligations and dedicate the first 36 hours after a Journey to rest, as the results of the healing may manifest in the physical body in different forms, depending on how much energy we have to clear as we address complex issues from every angle. The results of a Death Journey may be experienced in the form of mild weakness, or it can also manifest in emotional storms or even purging, similar to the results from energy healing practices or plant medicine journeys. We are lifting the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds, which would elevate your awareness.


Effects depend on the amount of cleared energies. Your soul knows what you can handle and wouldn't take more on themselves. These processes are completely natural and only serve as a confirmation of the healing that your soul has experienced. You may sporadically cry, feel overwhelmed, or be drawn to release your emotions through screaming, shaking, dancing, or any other way comfortable for your nervous system. It is best to embrace everything that would arrive your way and cry your tears, as when we cry, we reconnect with our souls, and they cleanse themselves through these magical droplets. Each journey is supported by your spiritual guides and performed for the highest and best of all involved. I would recommend resting as much as possible over the following week if you have such an opportunity. It's better to spend this time with yourself and your inner world, avoiding distractions from outside. You can bring your awareness to whatever is coming to you and live through every arising emotion, allowing everything inside of you to surface. You may benefit from spending time in nature, especially in the place of your powers. I believe you can discover additional spiritual understanding of your body and soul if you have more time for rest. 

After I complete Death Journey, I will inform you of the results, and we may part ways if the integration process is outside of your budget. You will start to experience the results shortly after, although the full integration of a death journey will take four to six months. This time allows your soul and nervous system to catch up with the new reality and serves to safeguard you during this spiritual shift. You may support yourself through your personal practices of connecting with your soul - meditations, art therapy, dancing, explorations of nature, breathwork, journaling, or any other practices that support you in everyday life. If you don't feel you received any benefits from my work, I would consider exploring your case further at no additional charge.

There are options to continue the integration process with me. The main process happens through conventional therapy sessions or rather friendly, non-judgemental conversations where we discuss any information and spiritual guidance I have received. On the 2-hour summary call after the journey, I can share the details of the visions I experienced on the death plane and what I learned about your past lives or destructive patterns. I will explain what has been done to address your issue and provide details you wish to know about. I will present as many details as I can recollect, and we may discern together what may be of value for you in your current reality. It is often the case that we continue to carry the patterns of behavior or relationships that are not ours but belong to our former selves.  We can explore the patterns of your soul that are playing out in your life, as well as possible integration tools that may be useful. By highlighting similar issues, we can create a personal healing journey of deeper integration that you can do either on your own, with my help, or with the assistance of your trusted healers.

If you see the benefits of these conversations, we may schedule further sessions until every nuance of the death journey is explored and every element is integrated. Follow-up sessions can also be about any spiritual topics or shamanic practices that I can share with you to advance your spiritual journey. If I would continue to receive any information from your soul or about you, I can share it during these integrative sessions. I would aim to provide you with as much information as I have obtained to help you on your path in any way possible. It will always be your path, and I can only provide my support for the highest and best of all involved. Any advice would be only my personal perception and recommendation based on my experience, but my goal is to give tools for personal empowerment. The highest integration is only possible if you are fully committed to doing your own part of this work and honoring the gravity of this sacred craft. 

Upon resolution and integration of a Death Journey, we may explore if further healing is needed. Usually, this information is provided to me either by your soul or by spiritual guides. I will attempt to resolve all possible issues in as few journeys as possible, as this practice consumes a lot of energy. A single Death Journey may be enough to address your issue, but I would inform you if I see anything else or receive specific advice from my spiritual team. In my experience, I worked with souls who requested only one Death Journey and with souls who required nine. It has never been my desire to sell more Death Journeys, but I also have to be honest about what's coming to me. Each soul is uniquely different, and it's always magical to observe their personalities. You can request another Death Journey when the time aligns once you have fully integrated the effects of the first one. We will rely on our intuitions in this process and openly discuss what resonates with our hearts.

I can also offer regression therapy, where I will guide you into your past life that I have witnessed if you wish to see that story for yourself. Since I would know your story and you would be prepared for what you may witness or encounter, the emotions would be processed in a more balanced way. It may be the case when regression therapy only amplifies inner anxieties, as there's not enough space in one's life to process, analyze, and integrate the experience of another person, even your past self. But since we would already know some details from your past life, we may choose to search for the deeper keys or talents of empowerment from that life. It is also a possibility to do a regression session with your soul without your participation. I will be able to provide a recording of this session or relate any relevant information to you.

There are also possibilities for in-person integration of this work if you are in the Vancouver area of the magical province of British Columbia. Summary and follow-up sessions can be conducted in person too. Such sessions can be done in a therapy setting or as a friendly conversation over a walk or a coffee. I can also offer integration with the help of plant medicine, shamanic practices of cleansing and recapitulation, as well as different types of energy healing work. Please inquire about the pricing for in-person healing if that's of interest to you.



Request a free discovery call.

Please tell me about yourself, what kind of healing you are looking for,
and what time and date you prefer for a call.
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